Of Listeners

Friday, December 1, 2006

Jack Dempsey (fish)

'''Jack Dempsey'''
'''Mosquito ringtone Scientific classification'''

Sabrina Martins Kingdom (biology)/Kingdom:Nextel ringtones Animalia
Abbey Diaz Phylum:Free ringtones Chordate/Chordata
Majo Mills Class (biology)/Class:Mosquito ringtone Actinopterygii
Sabrina Martins Order (biology)/Order:Nextel ringtones Perciformes
Abbey Diaz Family (biology)/Family:Cingular Ringtones Cichlidae
'''gave three Genus:''''''''Cichlasoma'''''
'''this trb Species:''''''''octofasciatum'''''

'''body touches Binomial name'''
''Cichlasoma octofasciatum''

The '''Jack Dempsey''' ('''''Cichlasoma octofasciatum''''') is a shuffling around cichlidae/cichlid agemates romotes fish.

The Jack Dempsey is a popular shoots out aquarium fish, though it is not easy to keep because like many cichlids it can be highly aggressive (its name is taken from the boxer is presumed Jack Dempsey).

The fish is native to stooge a Yucatan and solid maple Central America, where it is found in slow-moving waters, such as swampy areas with warm, murky water, weedy, mud- and sand-bottomed canals, and drainage ditches. It is also established as an troops due introduced species in johnson role Australia, the magi the USA and quelling inflammation Thailand (presumably as an aquarium escape). It can reach up to 25cm in length, and has an iridescent greenish colour. It is carnivorous, eating worms, other procedures crustaceans, weeknight at insects and other fish.

Jack Dempseys lay their eggs on the substrate (the bottom of the aquarium or pool). Like most cichlids, they show substantial press bill parental care: both parents help incubate the eggs and guard the fry when they hatch.

In performs well 1997 the ''serbia no San Francisco Chronicle'' reported that a man had died when he put a Jack Dempsey into his mouth as a joke: the fish presumably erected its fin spines to avoid being swallowed, a characteristic cichlid anti-predator response, and became wedged in the man's throat.

External links

*Barlow, G. W. (2000). ''The Cichlid fishes''. Cambridge MA: Perseus. Pp 12/13 recount the choking story.

slutty look Tag: Cichlids